Smart Square Piedmont Login

Smart Square Piedmont is an innovative web-based healthcare scheduling software specifically tailored to meet the needs of Piedmont Healthcare.

It is designed to optimize staffing, streamline scheduling processes, and enhance overall workforce management for the healthcare organization.

The software offers a range of features and functionalities that empower healthcare administrators, managers, and staff members to efficiently manage their schedules and resources.

piedmont healthcare

How to Login into Smart Square Piedmont?

To login into Smart Square Piedmont Healthcare, you would typically follow these steps:

1. Open a preferred browser on your device.

2. Enter the web address or URL provided by Piedmont Healthcare for accessing Smart Square Piedmont. This might be something like “” or a similar format. If you are an employee, you may receive the specific URL from your supervisor or the IT department.

3. Once you have entered the correct URL, you should reach the Smart Square Piedmont login page.

On this UAB Portal you can see two login options

  • Continue to smart square
  • Alternate Login
smart square piedmont login

When you click on the “Continue to smart square” Button you will land on below image portal

You can also use alternate Login option

After clicking on “Alternate Login” button you will see below Image portal

smart square piedmont login

4. On the login page, you will typically find fields to enter your login credentials. These credentials usually include a username and password.

5. Enter your username or employee ID in the designated field. This is often provided to you by the Piedmont Healthcare IT department or your supervisor.

6. Enter your password in the designated field. If this is your first time logging in, your initial password may be provided to you by your employer or you may be prompted to create a new password.

7. After entering your username and password, double-check to ensure they are accurate, and then click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button.

8. If the entered credentials are correct, you will be granted access to Smart Square Piedmont. You will be directed to the main dashboard or homepage, where you can view your schedule, make requests, and perform other related tasks.

smart square piedmont app

Smart Square Piedmont app

1. Staffing Optimization: Smart Square Piedmont leverages advanced algorithms and data analysis to ensure optimal staffing levels based on patient demand, staff availability, and skill matching.

By considering various factors such as patient census, acuity levels, and staff competencies, the software helps in creating balanced and effective schedules.

2. Schedule Management: The software provides a user-friendly interface that allows healthcare staff to view and manage their schedules seamlessly.

It enables employees to request time off, swap shifts with colleagues, and communicate scheduling preferences, all within the platform. Automated notifications keep staff members updated about any changes or approvals related to their schedules.

3. Time and Attendance Tracking: Smart Square Piedmont incorporates time and attendance tracking functionality, which helps in the accurate record-keeping of staff hours worked.

This feature ensures compliance with labor regulations and facilitates payroll processing by providing reliable data on staff attendance and worked hours.

4. Communication and Collaboration: The software facilitates effective communication and collaboration among staff members and managers.

It offers secure messaging capabilities, enabling staff to exchange messages, share updates, and coordinate shift changes in real-time. This fosters improved teamwork and reduces the likelihood of miscommunication.

5. Analytics and Reporting: Smart Square Piedmont provides robust analytics and reporting features that offer valuable insights into staffing patterns, scheduling efficiency, and overall workforce performance.

Administrators and managers can access key metrics and generate customized reports to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and identify areas for improvement.

6. Integration Capabilities: The software is designed to seamlessly integrate with other existing systems and tools within the Piedmont Healthcare infrastructure.

This allows for efficient data exchange, minimizing the need for manual data entry and ensuring consistent information across different platforms.

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Smart Square scheduling Piedmont

To schedule your shifts using Smart Square Piedmont Healthcare, you can follow these general steps:

1. Access Smart Square Piedmont: Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device and visit the Smart Square Piedmont login page. Enter your username and password to log in successfully.

2. Navigate to the Scheduling Module: Once you are logged in, you will typically see a navigation menu or dashboard. Look for the scheduling module or tab and click on it to access the scheduling features.

3. View the Schedule: The scheduling module will display the current schedule, usually in a calendar format. You can typically view relevant information such as dates, times, locations, and assigned units or departments.

4. Request Time-Off: If you need to request time off for a specific day or period, there is usually an option to submit a time-off request within the scheduling module. Locate the “Time-Off” or “Request Absence” feature and follow the prompts to select the desired dates and provide any necessary details for your time-off request.

5. Receive Schedule Updates: Smart Square Piedmont may provide automated notifications to inform you of any changes to your schedule, such as approved time-off requests, shift swaps, or updated assignments. Pay attention to these notifications to stay informed about your schedule.

Smart Square Piedmont Henry Hospital Smart Square

  • Piedmont Henry Hospital Smart Square is an innovative scheduling and workforce management system used by Piedmont Henry Hospital.
  • The Smart Square platform streamlines scheduling processes improves communication, and enhances overall efficiency within the hospital’s workforce.
  • By leveraging Smart Square, Piedmont Henry Hospital optimizes staffing levels and ensures appropriate coverage in various departments and units.
  • The system offers features such as automated scheduling, time and attendance tracking, shift swapping, and resource allocation, all accessible through a user-friendly interface.
  • With Smart Square, hospital staff can easily view their schedules, request time off, and trade shifts with colleagues, facilitating better work-life balance and reducing administrative burdens.
  • The platform also enables real-time communication and updates, helping the hospital stay agile and responsive to changing needs.

  • The data-driven insights provided by Smart Square allow administrators to analyze staffing patterns, identify trends, and make data-informed decisions to optimize workforce management.

  • By aligning staffing levels with patient demand, Piedmont Henry Hospital aims to enhance patient care, improve operational efficiency, and support employee satisfaction.
  • Overall, Piedmont Henry Hospital Smart Square serves as a valuable tool in managing staffing, scheduling, and communication within the healthcare setting. It promotes efficiency, transparency, and collaboration among staff members, ultimately contributing to the delivery of high-quality care and positive patient experiences.

How to recover a forgotten password on Smart Square Piedmont?

To recover a forgotten password on Smart Square Piedmont, you can follow these general steps:

1. Access the Smart Square Piedmont login page: Visit the login page of the Smart Square Piedmont platform. This is typically the page where you would enter your username and password.

2. Look for the “Forgot Password” or similar option: On the login page, search for a link or button that says “Forgot Password” or something similar. It is usually located near the login fields or below them.

3. Click on the “Forgot Password” link: Once you have located the “Forgot Password” option, click on it to proceed to the password recovery process.

4. Provide the necessary information: You will be prompted to provide information to verify your identity. This may include your registered email address or username associated with your Smart Square Piedmont account.

5. Submit the information: After entering the required information, submit it by clicking on the relevant button or submitting the form.

6. Check your email: Smart Square Piedmont will send an email to the address associated with your account. Open your email inbox and look for an email from Smart Square Piedmont or a similar sender.

7. Follow the instructions in the email: The email will contain instructions on how to reset your password. Typically, it will include a link that you need to click to proceed with the password reset process.

8. Set a new password: Clicking on the link in the email will usually redirect you to a page where you can set a new password. Follow the instructions provided and choose a strong, unique password for your Smart Square Piedmont account.

9. Confirm the new password: After setting the new password, you may be asked to confirm it by entering it again.

10. Login with the new password: Once you have successfully reset your password, return to the Smart Square Piedmont login page and use your updated credentials to log in to your account.


  1. How do I access Smart Square Piedmont Healthcare?

To access Smart Square Piedmont, you need to visit the designated web address or URL provided by Piedmont Healthcare. Typically, this would be something like “” Enter this URL in a web browser and log in using your assigned username and password.

  1. Is there a mobile app available for Smart Square Piedmont?

Piedmont Healthcare may offer a mobile app for Smart Square. Check with your supervisor or IT department for information on whether a mobile app is available and instructions for downloading and using it.

  1. How do I reset my password for Smart Square Piedmont?

Password reset processes may vary. Typically, there will be a “Forgot Password” or similar link on the login page. Clicking this link will guide you through the process of resetting your password, which may involve answering security questions, receiving a password reset link via email, or contacting the IT support team.

  1. Can I access Smart Square Piedmont from outside the hospital network?

Piedmont Healthcare may have specific policies regarding remote access to Smart Square. Contact your IT department to inquire about accessing Smart Square Piedmont from outside the hospital network and any necessary steps or requirements.


Smart Square provides a user-friendly interface for healthcare staff to view and manage their schedules. Employees can request time off, swap shifts with colleagues, and communicate scheduling preferences within the platform.

The software automates notifications to keep staff members updated about any changes or approvals related to their schedules.

Communication and collaboration among staff members and managers are facilitated through Smart Square.

The software offers secure messaging capabilities, enabling real-time communication, updates, and coordination of shift changes, promoting improved teamwork and reducing the likelihood of miscommunication.

Smart Square provides robust analytics and reporting features, offering valuable insights into staffing patterns, scheduling efficiency, and overall workforce performance.

This data-driven approach allows administrators and managers to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and identify areas for improvement.